If you have not received an item you paid for, you may be able to get a refund.

If you did not receive your order, please open an “item not received request” on your eBay account and we will work to resolve the situation as soon as possible. If you and the buyer have not resolved the matter within 72 hours, eBay will only step in if you and the buyer have not reached a resolution.

What Do You Do When a Buyer Has Not Received Their Item?

When you receive an “item not received” request, opened by the buyer when they have not received a product, the request will have some information on whether the buyer wants to be refunded or still wants the item. Next, you will see these options: “Add tracking details,” “Refund the buyer,” and “Send a replacement item.”

Add Tracking Details

This information must be the name of the shipping carrier, the date of shipping the item, and the day and address to which it was delivered. If the total cost of the item, including the shipping cost and tax, exceeds $750, you can also include a signature of the recipient.

  1. Add a tracking code to your website or blog post.
  2. Enter the code into the tracking field on the website or blog post’s page.
  3. Click on the “Track this item” button to start tracking the item.

EBay is warning its customers that their items may have been shipped with a different shipping carrier than the one they were expecting. If you’re not happy with the product you received, you can return it to eBay for a full refund.

EBay is offering a refund to buyers who do not receive an item they ordered from the company. If the buyer does not respond to the “item not received” request within three days, eBay will issue a refund to them.

Refund the buyer

If you decide to refund a purchase, be sure to include the original shipping costs in your refund. Depending on the method of payment used, refunds can take between three and thirty days to process. ..

We are sorry to hear that you were not satisfied with your purchase of the product. We would be happy to issue a refund to the buyer. Please contact us at 1-800-123-4567 and we will be happy to help you process this request.

Replace the item

If you are the original purchaser of this item, and it has been damaged or missing parts, please contact us to schedule a replacement. If the buyer agrees to have the item shipped and tracking information sent to them, please begin the process of shipping the item. Please also be sure to review their address before shipping.

To send a message to your buyer:

Asking eBay to Help

If you have a disagreement with your buyer, it may be best to try to resolve it directly. eBay encourages sellers and buyers to resolve disagreements directly, so this may be the only recourse if you can’t reach an agreement.

If the issue has not been fixed after 72 hours, either buyer or seller can request eBay to step in. However, eBay does not have to get involved if the two parties are still negotiating past the 72 hours. ..

You can request eBay to intervene by:

eBay will review the details of your issue and respond to you within two days. You will be notified when eBay has reached a decision. The decision that eBay reaches may be in favor of the buyer, requiring you to issue a full refund, or the decision may favor the seller, in which case the seller no longer has any responsibility for the buyer’s complaints. ..

If you don’t agree with a eBay decision, you have the right to appeal within 30 working days. ..

Another way to request eBay’s interference is through Seller Hub.

The most important recommendation here is that you conduct your transactions within eBay’s guidelines and tips. Working with carriers that are integrated with eBay, will be important when having to supply tracking details.