Hotels That Allow 19 Year Old’s To Check-In

The five hotels highlighted on this page are those which allow 19-year olds to check-in. They include Fairmont Hotels, Choice Hotels, Motel 6, Airbnb, and hostels. You should consider patronizing these services because they offer a great deal for the money. Additionally, each of these hotels has a minimum age policy in place which is usually 18 years old or older.

Whether it’s a good idea to check in to a Hotels That Allow 19 Year Old’s To Check-In and what your best options are:

1. Fairmont Hotels

If you are 19 years old or younger, Fairmont Hotels is your best bet for a hotel. They have a total of 76 properties in Canada and the USA, so there’s a good chance you can find one near you. ..

2. Choice Hotels

Choice Hotels have approximately 7,110 hotels to choose from. That is the range of hotels you get to choose from because 18year olds are allowed to check-in without an adult. But, there are specific locations which have their age limit from 21. This means you have to call ahead and find out if the location you have decided on is the right one for you. If you are an 18year old, you will have to be with someone 21years or older.

3. Motel 6

Motel 6 has a wide variety of properties across Canada and the United States. Some of these properties allow guests to check-in for free, while others may require you to have a valid military ID or be 21 years old. If you choose to check-in at Motel 6, you will get free Wi-Fi, local phone calls, and morning coffee.

4. Airbnb

Airbnb has over four million hosts who have had 900 million guests since its launch in 2007. The uniqueness of this type of lodging makes the experience stand out as you can get a wide variety of options. Do you wonder why I am going on? Because you can get in as a 19-year-old! Although, hosts can decide on older age limits. Not to worry, that rarely happens. ..

5. Hostels

The reason ‘Hostels’ is here is because it is a great place for people aged 16 and under. This age group is the most active in the world, and they are looking for places to stay when they are out of school or on vacation.

Should a 19-year-old be checking into a hotel?

There are many benefits to traveling alone, especially if you’re looking to explore a new place or take a break from your everyday life. It can be less stressful and more fun, so it’s definitely worth considering if you want to take some time for yourself.

What body sets the official minimum age policy?

There is no official minimum age for hotels to operate in the United States. That’s why the minimum age requirements vary from one hotel to the other and it’s either 18years and above or 21years and above. They put into consideration your ability to make legally enforceable contracts, local laws of the location and the availability of alcohol in the hotel. Hence, hotels set it to protect their business interest.

What is the best hotel check-in option for 19-year-olds?

There are several hotels with policies that are flexible enough to accommodate 19-year-olds checking in. However, you have to call ahead of time to be certain. The good part is, Choice Hotels and Fairmont Hotels are your best options. With the two hotels, you don’t have to second guess your chance of spending a night or more there.


Some hotels have policies which are in their favor when it comes to 19-year-olds checking in. This is because this demographic is often difficult to attract customers to hotels, especially if they are not comfortable with the idea of being around adults. This is why some hotels have policies which allow these guests to choose from one of their options when they need help.

Some hotels are not open to guests who want to use the restroom in the same room as other guests.

Choice Hotels are the surest in their policies and you don’t have to call for inquiry ahead of time. Fairmont Hotels are less sure, but they offer a good value for your money.

It’s not advisable to travel to the hotel yourself because you are a minor. However, you can call the hotel and inquire about their policies.