Annual losses were estimated to be approximately 5.6%.

After the election of President Barack Obama into office, the following reforms were made to help heal the ailing economy that subsequently affected the stock market. These reforms included increasing regulation of Wall Street, creating new financial regulations, and increasing spending on infrastructure projects.

Following the various efforts and reforms that re-established the stock market, there was significant growth in 

After his presidency, we’ve had two elections that have seen two presidents in office but had different progress and made reforms that have affected the stock market. A pandemic witnessed in 2020 also hit the stock market.

Under President Donald Trump


President Barack Obama left the stock market at an all-time high and the succeeding administrations have not been able to either maintain or grow these prices, partly because of events that have hit the world influencing the stock market as a result.

Investors should continue to exercise caution while executing trades due to the volatility of the market in the Russian Ukraine invasion of 2022. Recovery may take a while, and investors should remain patient as events unfold. ..