The ISAT Test 

The ISAT is designed to assess a candidate’s intellectual skills and other abilities that make for academic success at the tertiary level. It is a three-hour computer-based test, with 100 multiple choice questions with four or five options to choose from for each question. ..

Critical reasoning (CR) is the process of critically examining a piece of information to determine whether it is accurate, reliable, and meaningful. Quantitative reasoning (QR) is the process of analyzing data to determine its meaning and value.

This is a critical thinking test. The questions are about the information presented in the passage and how well the candidate understands it. The goal is to find out if the candidate can understand ideas, draw relevant conclusions, and also evaluate arguments.

The qualitative reasoning test is designed to evaluate a candidate’s ability to conclude scientific hypotheses, interpret graphs and tables, and provide solutions to mathematical problems.

The 100 questions are a test for the candidates to see if they are fit for an interview. The questions are interwoven together to make up the question, so those that rank high on their ISAT scores can try all of them.

ISAT Scoring 

The scoring process is not a simple one. They are substantially developed and analyzed by ACER’s psychometricians; candidates, therefore, cannot calculate their scores themselves.

The scale score, consisting of the CR, QR, and the overall score, ranging from 100 to 200, is used to determine the ISAT score. It enables the comparison of the candidate’s score for several years.

The overall score for the essay is an average of the critical reasoning CR and the qualitative reasoning QR.

Percentile rank is a way to give meaning to the scaled scores by showing how the student’s scores vary from each other. It tends to vary over the years as the candidate that apply for them are different each year. ..

The Actual Scoring Process

The ISAT score is a measure of a candidate’s academic ability. It is used to determine whether the candidate is ready for college.

The University of New South Wales has a minimum ISAT score of 150. Monash University Melbourne’s minimum ISAT score is 165, and a minimum overall score of 170. The University of Tasmania accepts a minimum percentile of 50%, while the University of Western Australia (UWA), accepts from the 25th percentile. ..

Thus, it can be inferred that any score above the 90th percentile puts the candidate in a very competitive position for enrollment. ..

ISAT Preparation 

Preparation Strategy

Candidates are advised to read widely as they prepare for the exams, and also, to think critically before answering the question. Time management is very paramount. Candidates are advised to work with the available time as they attempt the different questions. An erasable board and scratch pad are provided for working out the answers. Attempt to mark only your applicable answer neatly for each question, to avoid confusion. The review button helps candidates to identify questions they will wish to revisit. You can mark them down and revisit them later for effective time management.

ISAT Results. 

Candidates are first notified via an email which comes with an access code and a web link where you are asked to put in the Prometric order confirmation number that was issued during ISAT registration.

The test is only valid for two years, and candidates can re-sit for the test only after 12 months from the previous one.


The ISAT score is a measure of a student’s academic ability. It includes the CR, QR, and overall score, scale score, and student’s high-grade result. This score can tell you in a nutshell how well the student is doing in terms of their choice of academic pursuit.

When a candidate changes their email address before the release of the ISAT result, they may be ineligible to receive financial assistance from the government.

Any candidate with this problem should send an email to the ISAT office with a valid identification informing them of the development that takes the appropriate measure.

An ISAT score is valid for three years. ..

An ISAT score is considered current for two years. A candidate is only allowed to sit for another ISAT after 12 months from the previous sitting.