As the Courier reported earlier today, he was taken to hospital but could not be saved. People living in the area say the boy is believed to be from Bradford. Police on Vickerman Street in Halifax last night following the death of a teenager He appears to be among several teenagers who descended on the area last night. Some youths threw fireworks at emergency services and set them off in homes, businesses and cars. One woman said “They’ve come from everywhere. Some of them aren’t even from Halifax. “This is usually a quiet area, but last year Bonfire Night was bad.” Police on Vickerman Street in Halifax today following the death of a teenage boy last night Another said she had gone out for the night because the area had been “flooded” with young people for last year’s bonfire night when the “riot police” were called. “When I got back there was an ambulance blocking the road and police vans,” he said. “It’s just so shocking. Last year there were riot police and this year someone died.” Police said they were called by the ambulance service just before 8.15pm yesterday to reports of an injured young man. Police on Vickerman Street in Halifax today following the death of a teenage boy last night Crime scene investigators were in Vickerman Street today to establish the full details of what happened. A West Yorkshire Police spokesman said: “The matter has been reported to the Independent Policing Conduct Office as police were called to the area following a report of fireworks being set off prior to the incident.” read more Night of fire: A teenager died in a house near the place where young people were throwing fireworks…