With up to 12cm of snow forecast to fall by Monday afternoon, the timing and intensity may decrease. “It’s really going to depend on how fast the snow falls, just what the conditions are like in the morning,” says Tara Norton-Merrin with the City of Calgary Roads department. “If it snows a little more than every hour and the crews can keep up with that, those runs should be fine.” Over the weekend, high winds and falling snow led to closures and pile-ups on some Alberta roads, with extensive black ice along the TransCanada Highway both east and west of Calgary on Saturday. Highway 1 was closed Saturday night near Bassano and there was a pile-up near Red Deer and backups due to accidents near Olds. The advice is the same every year, but it is enough to repeat it. Slow down, leave plenty of room, allow plenty of extra time to catch up and be considerate of other drivers who may not be as confident or driving a smaller vehicle.