“We will be announcing a further financial commitment for loss and damage,” First Minister Nicola Sturgeon told Sky News during the COP27 climate summit in Egypt. The additional money would be for “particularly the non-economic loss and damage that many countries are suffering,” he said, which could include things like loss of culture and tradition. Johnson’s dig at Truss – as he warned people he is ‘on the highway to climate hell’ – COP27 last Economic losses include things like the loss of jobs from the collapse of industries, the loss of buildings to hurricane damage, or the loss of entire communities and cities as sea levels erode coastlines. “This would be another very important part of Scotland’s determination to see real progress behind this issue which should have been dealt with many years ago,” the first minister said in Sharm el-Sheikh on the Red Sea. During the COP26 climate talks in Glasgow last year, Scotland became the first developed country to commit to funding the contentious issue. The £2m pledge was small, but it helped break a taboo around the subject. Denmark has since pledged DKK 100m (£11.8m). But since COP26, wild weather events have hit the world, from famine amid drought in the Horn of Africa to 32 million people uprooted from their homes by violent floods in Pakistan, surprising scientists with their severity. More details of the new funding will be revealed on Tuesday, according to Sky News. United Nations chief Antonio Guterres said the issue would be a “litmus test” of governments’ commitment to the COP27 climate talks, which normally start today. Addressing world leaders, the secretary-general said the loss and damage “can no longer be swept under the carpet”. “Those who have contributed least to the climate crisis are reaping the whirlwind that others have sown. Many are being blindsided by impacts for which they had no warning or means of preparation.” Read more: Will developed nations pay compensation for climate damage? Everything you need to know about COP27 Vulnerable nations, which research shows have typically done the least to cause climate change but suffer the worst effects, have been calling for financial aid for years. The rich, polluting world, including the US and the EU, has historically been wary of what they fear could open the door to endless claims and accusations of liability. But the devastating effects of climate change have been so severe that countries have become more open to the debate, although they strongly resist labeling it as “compensation” or “compensation.” COP27 opened with a major breakthrough yesterday, as the issue of funding for such losses was put on the agenda for the first time at a United Nations climate speech. But countries have until 2024 to come up with a plan, too slow for some, who point to the wild effects that are already being felt, particularly in countries already in debt. “The first minister’s commitment to helping people facing the climate crisis is unparalleled,” said Harjeet Singh, a long-time campaigner for such losses and damages and head of global policy strategy at the Climate Action Network. Mr Singh told Sky News he hoped the move would “inspire and put pressure on rich governments to recognize the huge gap in funding to tackle climate impacts such as the loss of land, homes and cultures”. Former US Vice President turned climate activist Al Gore told world leaders that “[supports] governments pay money for loss and damage and adaptation” – a major statement from someone representing the United States, which last year broke off talks on the issue. “But let’s be very clear that this is a matter of billions or tens of billions. We need $4.5 trillion a year to make this transition,” he said on clean energy, he said, saying unlocking access to private capital is needed Click to subscribe to Sky News Daily wherever you get your podcasts Watch the Daily Climate Show at 3.30pm Monday to Friday and The Climate Show with Tom Heap on Saturday and Sunday at 3.30pm and 7.30pm. All on Sky News, the Sky News website and app, YouTube and Twitter. The show explores how global warming is changing our landscape and highlights solutions to the crisis.