Future Publishing | Future Publishing | Getty Images LONDON — Lab-grown blood has been transfused into humans for the first time in a landmark clinical trial that British researchers say could significantly improve treatment for people with blood disorders and rare blood types. Two patients in the UK received tiny doses – the equivalent of a few teaspoons – of lab-grown blood in the first stage of a wider trial designed to see how it behaves inside the body. The trial, which will now be extended to 10 patients over several months, aims to study the lifespan of lab-grown cells compared to infusions of standard red blood cells. The researchers say the goal is not to replace regular human blood donations, which will continue to make up the majority of transfusions. However, the technology could allow scientists to engineer very rare blood types that are hard to find but vital for people who depend on regular blood transfusions for conditions such as sickle cell disease. “This world-leading research lays the foundation for making red blood cells that can be safely used to transfuse people with disorders such as sickle cell disease,” said Dr Farrukh Shah, medical director of Transfusion for NHS Blood and Transplant, one of partners in the project. “The need for regular blood drives to provide the vast majority of blood will remain. But the potential for this work to greatly benefit transfusion patients is very important,” he added.

How does the technology work?

The research, which was carried out by researchers in Bristol, Cambridge and London, as well as NHS Blood and Transplant, focuses on the red blood cells that carry oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. First, a regular blood donation was obtained and magnetic beads were used to detect flexible stem cells that can become red blood cells. These strains were then placed in a nutrient solution in a laboratory. Over the course of about three weeks, the solution encouraged these cells to multiply and develop into more mature cells. The cells were then purified using a standard filter – the same kind of filter used when regular blood donations are processed to remove white blood cells – before being stored and later transfused into patients. For the test, lab-grown blood was labeled with a radioactive substance, often used in medical procedures, to track how long it lasts in the body. The same procedure will now be applied to a trial of 10 volunteers, who will each receive two donations of 5-10ml at least four months apart – one of normal blood and one of lab-grown blood – to compare the lifespan of cells.

How much will it cost?

It is also hoped that the superior lifespan of lab-grown cells could mean patients need fewer transfusions over time. A typical blood donation contains a mixture of young and old red blood cells, meaning their lifespan can be unpredictable and suboptimal. Meanwhile, lab-grown blood is freshly made, meaning it will last the 120 days expected for red blood cells. However, there are significant costs currently associated with the technology. The average blood donation currently costs the NHS around £145, according to NHS Blood and Transplant. Lab-grown substitutes would likely be more expensive. NHS Blood and Transplant said there was “no figure” for the procedure yet, but added that costs would come down as the technology scaled up. “If the trial is successful and the research works, then it could be introduced at scale in the coming years, which means the cost will come down,” a spokesperson told CNBC.