The government’s Academic Technology Approval Scheme (Atas) is designed to prevent the export of technology with potential military applications and was significantly expanded last year amid a national security crackdown. But long delays have left some unable to take up prestigious posts for up to seven months and frustration is growing that the issue is damaging the UK’s reputation abroad. “It works as a deterrent,” said Professor Sir Robin Grimes, the Royal Society’s secretary of state and former chief scientific adviser at the Foreign Office. “Great talent does not sit still. There are many different opportunities in a modern international research structure – the US, Canada, France, Germany, all these countries will try to attract the same talent as us… This is a huge national risk.” The program applies to scientists from all but a few regions – EU and US academics are excluded – working on “sensitive topics” considered to have potential military applications. In practice, this includes most of engineering, computer and materials science and much research in physics and biochemistry. Previously only postgraduates were supposed to apply, but last year the rules were extended to cover academics on skilled worker visas, including those already in the UK. In the past year, at least 60 academics, more than half from China, have left the UK after an Atas review identified security concerns, freedom of information requests to universities show. The FCDO told the Guardian that the majority of applications were processed within 30 days, but declined to give details on average processing time or delays. University leaders say some are facing unacceptable delays. “Universities try to be flexible to accommodate latecomers. But in some cases the timetables are very significant and leave people stranded for many months,” said Vivienne Stern, chief executive of Universities UK. There are also concerns about the draconian and opaque nature of the process. Unlike visa applications through the Home Office, no reason is given for rejection and in fact there is no appeal process. Professor Alasdair McDonald, who works in wind energy at the University of Edinburgh, recently hired a PhD student who had to wait five months for permission. “It’s like there’s a machine learning technique responsible for Atas, with an algorithm that ignores all mail, waits for some time between four and seven months, and then randomly rejects a certain percentage of applicants for no clear reason,” he said. “It just seems completely impossible to learn anything about the decision-making process. It is like the astral chamber. There is a question mark about whether he lacks resources,” he added. “Or is it trying to put off a certain percentage of people?” Archie Bland and Nimo Omer take you to the top stories and what they mean, free every weekday morning Privacy Notice: Newsletters may contain information about charities, online advertising and content sponsored by external parties. For more information, see our Privacy Policy. We use Google reCaptcha to protect our website and Google’s Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. The Guardian heard from scientists who were left frustrated by the process. An Indian physicist, who wished to remain anonymous, recently had his Atas application approved after a seven-month wait, during which he compiled a spreadsheet of 200 fellow applicants, some of whom were facing a similar delay. “I’ve come in contact with a lot of young aspiring scientists,” he said. “They are resentful after waiting so long.” Another Indian scientist who applied in early August is still waiting to take up a position at Cambridge after completing her PhD at a top French institute, winning a prestigious international prize and turning down a position in Zurich. Another, an Egyptian engineer who has been working at the University of Birmingham for five years, was unable to leave the country because his visa expired during the four months he was waiting for permission. Grimes said recent rhetoric from the home secretary on immigration, including a proposed crackdown on graduate students and the cost of UK visas – by far the most expensive of all G7 countries – gave the impression that international scientists were unwanted. “We have to reassure the candidates and say, ‘No, we really want you,’” he said. “It would be helpful if the government made it clearer that its desire to reduce immigration is not about … scientific talent coming to the UK.” A government spokesman said: “We make every effort to minimize delays to applicants’ studies and the majority of Atas applications are processed within 30 working days. However, waiting times can be longer during our busiest periods, so we encourage students to apply early.”