After President Joe Biden reiterated his anti-fossil fuel agenda, “How America Works” host Mike Rowe weighed in on how those messages are resonating with the U.S. oil and gas industry during a “Fox & Friends” town hall. on Monday, before Tuesday. midterm elections “I suspect they find it disturbing, obviously,” Rowe told the crowd. “On a practical level, it’s just bad news for your personal finances.” President Biden said at an event in California on Friday that coal plants are too expensive to operate and “we’re going to close those plants across America” ​​in order to switch to renewable energy. “I was in Massachusetts about a month ago at the site of the largest old coal plant in America,” Biden had said. “Guess what? It cost them too much money. They can’t measure. Nobody’s building new coal plants because they can’t count on it. Even if they’re guaranteed all the coal for the rest of the plant’s existence … So it’s going to be a generation windflower”. Rowe hit back at those comments, arguing that Biden can only get away with saying such things if he believes “the world is really and truly coming to an end.” TWITTER FACT-CHECKS BIDEN’S GAS PRICE CLAIMS “Is the world really coming to an end? If we can’t answer that honestly, then my guess is we’re going to keep having these weird conversations where words don’t mean what we thought they meant,” Rowe said. “It’s like that scene from ‘A Princess Bride,’ right? You keep using that word. I don’t think it means what you think it means.” President Joe Biden’s anti-oil and anti-fossil fuel agenda is “just bad news for your personal economy,” “How America Works” host Mike Rowe said on “Fox & Friends” Monday, Nov. 7, 2022. (Fox news) Earlier Monday on “Fox & Friends First,” a former Keystone XL pipeline worker said Biden’s energy policies are “extremely aggravating” to hear, arguing that the government is doing nothing to help energy production. “If you’re a voter and you haven’t gone through early voting and you’re going to vote tomorrow, I hope that’s an issue that you’re going to look at because as far as keeping any promises, that’s one promise that Biden kept: Destroy the energy in this country,” said Neil Crabtree, “and I hope that some of the voters will look at the candidates where they realize how important energy is in this country, and more importantly, how tied energy is to inflation.” Ministry of Energy report which was published this summer showed massive job losses in the fuel industry following Biden’s presidential campaign, where he pledged to lead the country away from fossil fuels. Crabtree decried the “stupidity” of the Biden administration to encourage pipeline workers to find new jobs in the renewable energy sector. A former Keystone XL pipeline worker called out President Biden’s “stupidity” with energy policies Monday, November 7, 2022 “Fox & Friends First.” (Getty Images) “Our industry is focused on maintaining and operating the pipelines and refineries that we have because we know how important they are,” Crabtree said. “But the scary part is that we haven’t added any capacity when demand for oil and gas is increasing.” When asked by an audience member on Monday what the first thing he would do if elected president, Rowe noted that it is “way out [his] lane’, but would apply the laws that are on the books. “Look, we have to have a mechanism where Americans can see the consequences of this thing unfold,” the “How America Works” host said, “and if we don’t have that, we’re just unraveling ourselves.” GET THE FOX BUSINESS ON THE GO BY CLICKING HERE Former Keystone XL Pipeline Worker Neal Crabtree on Why Voters Should Consider the Energy Policies of the Biden Administration and Democrats in the Midterm Elections On the campaign trail in 2020, candidate Biden suggested that miners facing an economy where their jobs could potentially be phased out should “learn to plan.” “Anyone who can go down 300-3,000 feet in a mine can certainly learn how to program as well,” Biden had said. he said in New Hampshire at a campaign event. “But we don’t think of it that way. Anyone who can put coal in a furnace can learn how to program, for God’s sake.” READ MORE FROM FOX BUSINESS Andrew Miller of FOX Business contributed to this report.