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Source/Disclosures Posted by: Source: John B, et al. Abstract 8: Association of three versus two doses of mRNA vaccines for COVID-19 and SARS-COV-2 infection and severity among patients with cirrhosis. Presented at: The Liver Meeting; November 4-8, 2022; Washington (hybrid). Disclosures: John reports research funding from Exact Sciences, Gilead, and Glycotest Inc, and speaking and consulting relationships with GlaxoSmithKline.

ADD SUBJECT TO EMAIL NOTIFICATIONS Receive an email when new articles are published Enter your email address to receive an email when new articles are published on . ” data-action=subscribe> Subscribe We were unable to process your request. Please try again later. If you continue to experience this problem, please contact [email protected] Back to Healio WASHINGTON — Patients with cirrhosis who received three doses of the mRNA vaccine for COVID-19 showed an 80% reduced risk of SARS-COV-2 infection, symptomatic COVID-19 and moderate/severe/critical COVID-19, a presenter here noted . “When the FDA approved the booster or a third dose of it [COVID-19] vaccine, they initially approved it for solid organ transplant recipients, patients taking immunosuppressive drugs and malignancies, and then expanded it to all adults. Sorry John, MD, chief of gastroenterology and hepatology at the Miami VA Health System and associate professor at the University of Miami, said. “However, these are limited clinical data examining the benefit of the third dose in patients with cirrhosis.” “Given the 80% reduction in overall infection, as well as the 100% reduction in severe/critical COVID-19 disease, our data suggest that the third dose may overcome the vaccine hyporesponse seen in cirrhotic patients,” said Binu John, MD. Source: Adobe Stock In their retrospective cohort study, John and colleagues examined cirrhotic patients who received two doses of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine (n=13,041) versus three doses (n=13,041) between July 18, 2021 and February 11, 2022 when Delta (B.1.617.2) and Omicron (B.1.1.529) were the dominant variants. The researchers pooled the results as all cases with COVID-19, symptomatic COVD-19, with at least moderate COVID-19, or severe or critical COVID-19. According to the study results, compared to cirrhotic patients who received only two doses of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine, patients who received a third dose showed an 80.7% reduction in COVID-19 (95% CI 39.2 -89.1, Pi<0.001), 80.4% reduction in symptomatic COVID-19 and 80% reduction in moderate/severe or critical COVID-19 (95% CI 34.5-87.6%, Pi=0.005). Additionally, patients who received a third dose had a 100% reduction in severe or critical COVID-19 (95% CI 99.2-100.0, Pi =0.01) and 100% reduction in deaths related to COVID-19 (95% CI 99.8-100.0, Pi=0.007). “Given the 80% reduction in overall infection, as well as the 100% reduction in severe/critical COVID-19 disease, our data suggest that the third dose may overcome vaccine underresponse in cirrhotic patients,” said John. “Compared to patients who received two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, recipients of a third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine were associated with an 80% reduction in SARS-COV-2 infection, an 80% reduction in symptomatic COVID-19. 80% reduction in moderate/severe/critical COVID-19, 100% reduction in severe/critical COVID-19 and 100% reduction in COVID-19-related deaths, with overall severe/critical COVID-19 rates remaining low in both groups”.

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The Meeting of the Liver