The woman was filmed by a fellow passenger named Wang as they boarded a train in Wuhan, Hubei province, on October 31. In the video, the woman is seen eating a banana while covered with a plastic bag. After eating, he places the banana peel in a smaller plastic bag. More from NextShark: Texas Hawaiian restaurant sells out after TikTok about UT Austin ‘cutting’ owners goes viral According to The Paper, Wang said he decided to record a video of the woman as he found her behavior surprising. “There are sporadic cases of coronavirus all over Wuhan, but in my opinion, it’s a bit extreme for this woman to protect herself in this way,” she said, according to the South China Morning Post. The surrounding passengers seem to ignore the woman as she eats her banana. More from NextShark: TikTok video showing how conveyor belt sushi restaurant in Japan quickly tallies bills goes viral “While it’s not ideal to eat inside subway trains. She isolated herself from other people by wrapping herself in a plastic bag,” Wang said. A subway employee noted that eating is prohibited on subway trains. “If passengers notice people eating on trains, they can call our hotline and we will send our officials to stop the person from eating,” the official said. More from NextShark: Vladimir Putin says Taiwan is ‘native part’ of China, blames ‘grandma’ Nancy Pelosi for stoking tensions Discussions on Chinese social media have shown mixed opinions on the woman’s actions, with some arguing that what she did was unnecessary, while others argue that she may have had a medical reason for doing it. “Is it a person doing performance art?” commented a user on the Douyin platform. “I can’t understand why he was wearing such a big plastic bag.” Meanwhile, another commenter wrote: “I think she had low blood sugar. She put herself in the plastic bag and ate a banana in it, so as not to affect other people. I give her two thumbs up.” The story continues More from NextShark: Asia’s richest woman loses half of her $24 billion fortune in China’s growing property crisis A local shop urged the public to be more tolerant of such behavior as the woman in question did not cause a negative impact on her fellow passengers. Selected image through the paper