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French President Emmanuel Macron called on non-European first world nations, including China and the US, to pay their fair share to help poorer countries struggling with the climate crisis. “We need the US and China to step up,” he told climate campaigners on the sidelines of the Cop27 summit in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt. He insisted that Europeans were “the only ones paying” to financially help nations reeling under the weight of climate disasters. “Pressure must be put on rich non-European countries, telling them, ‘you must pay your fair share,’” he said, according to AFP. Meanwhile, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said climate and energy security went “hand in hand” and world leaders must act quickly to tackle the effects of climate change. “Putin’s hideous war in Ukraine and rising energy prices around the world are no reason to slow down climate change. It’s a reason to act faster.” It comes after former US vice-president Al Gore urged governments to “stop subsidizing the culture of death” as he urged greater investment in renewable energy.

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Germany announces funding for ‘Global Shield’

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has pledged $170 million for a “global shield” – aimed at helping developing countries suffering damage and loss caused by climate change. “In our role as G7 Presidency, we want to create together with the most vulnerable countries a global shield against climate risks,” he said in a speech at the Cop27 climate conference. “We will also support countries most affected by climate change in a targeted way to address loss and damage.” Alisha Rahaman Sarkar8 November 2022 06:14 1667887622

What to watch on the second day of Cop27

World leaders will take the stage again today as the Cop27 climate summit enters its second full day. Pakistan’s Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, whose country was recently hit by devastating floods that displaced millions and caused at least $40 billion in damage, will address the conference. Ursula von der Leyen, president of the EU, will also speak today, along with European Council President Charles Michel, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa and dozens of others. Alisha Rahaman Sarkar8 November 2022 06:07 1667885619

Macron calls on the US and China to pay their climate share

French President Emmanuel Macron yesterday urged the US, China and other non-European first world countries to pay their fair share to poorer countries facing the effects of the climate crisis. “We need the United States and China to step up” emissions cuts and financial aid, Mr Macron told French and African climate campaigners on the sidelines of the Cop27 climate summit, according to AFP. “The Europeans are paying,” he said, adding: “We’re the only ones paying. “Pressure needs to be put on rich non-European countries, telling them ‘you have to pay your fair share.’ Alisha Rahaman Sarkar8 November 2022 05:33 1667883263

UK to announce gas deal with US after Cop27 – report

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is expected to announce a gas deal with the US after the Cop27 climate summit. Britain hopes the United States will pledge around 10 billion cubic meters of liquefied natural gas (LNG) next year, according to a report in The Telegraph. The discussions between the two countries are in their final stage and the announcement is expected within a fortnight. However, it was unclear whether the exact amount of natural gas to be sold by the US would be reported when the deal was made public. The US earlier this year agreed to supply 15 billion cubic meters of LNG to the EU to help the bloc deal with an energy crisis caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Alisha Rahaman Sarkar8 November 2022 04:54 1667881851

Egyptian rights activists divided over keeping Cop27 in ‘climate of fear’

As world leaders descend on Sharm el-Sheikh for Cop27, Egyptian activists are divided over whether holding the summit under one of the most repressive governments in the country’s history amounts to an insult or an opportunity. “Egypt is embroiled in a full-scale human rights crisis,” said Hossam Bahgat, a prominent Egyptian human rights activist who says he has been banned from leaving the country since 2016 and has had his assets frozen. “Our current government has one of the worst human rights records in the entire world.” Rights groups say tens of thousands of government critics, including journalists, human rights defenders and activists, have been jailed under Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi, who was elected to power in 2014 after a military coup. Alisha Rahaman Sarkar8 November 2022 04:30 1667880339

Rishi Sunak rushed off stage at the Cop27 event

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak suddenly walked off stage at a Cop27 event yesterday, leaving audience members stunned. Mr Sunak was sharing the stage with other world leaders when his aides interrupted him, causing him to leave the event. No official statement has been issued from 10 Downing Street explaining the Prime Minister’s unscheduled exit. Although it is speculated that Mr Sunak left the event to make last-minute preparations for the keynote speech he was due to deliver later in the afternoon. Alisha Rahaman Sarkar8 November 2022 04:05 1667880015

One billionaire responsible for a million times more greenhouse gases, says Oxfam

The investments of 125 of the world’s richest billionaires emit an average of three million tonnes of Cop27 each year, according to Oxfam. Annual emissions are more than a million times the average for someone in the bottom 90 percent of humanity, the report, titled “Carbon Billionaires,” said. The world’s richest have a collective stake of $2.4 trillion in 183 companies, and 125 billionaires collectively finance 393 million tons of CO2e (carbon dioxide equivalent) annually, which the report says is equal to France’s annual carbon emissions. The report added that each of these billionaires would have to fly around the world nearly 16 million times in a private jet to generate the same emissions. Danny Sriskandarajah, chief executive of Oxfam GB, said: “People in low-income countries who have done the least to cause it are the ones who suffer the most – as we see with the devastating drought in East Africa and the devastating floods in Pakistan . “We need governments to tackle this urgently by publishing emissions figures for the richest people, regulating investors and companies to reduce carbon emissions and taxing wealth and polluting investments. “… these billionaire investors at the top of the corporate pyramid have a huge responsibility for destroying the climate. They have shirked responsibility for far too long.” Alisha Rahaman Sarkar8 November 2022 04:00 1667879427

Countries launch partnership to reverse deforestation

More than two dozen countries, including the UK, have formed a partnership committed to halting and reversing forest loss this decade as part of the climate fight. Speaking at the Cop27 talks in Egypt, Rishi Sunak said protecting forests is “one of the best ways to get us back on track” to limit warming to 1.5C – the threshold beyond which the worst effects of climate change will be felt. He said the launch of a new partnership to tackle deforestation at Cop27 marked a “moment of great hope for the world’s forests”. The UK has announced £90m for conservation in Africa’s Congo Basin. Britain is also committing an extra £65 million in funding to support indigenous peoples and local communities at the heart of forest protection. Alisha Rahaman Sarkar8 November 2022 03:50 1667876400

Conclusions: Call for Reparations, Emissions Cuts at COP27

The first full day of the year’s most important climate change summit, known as COP27, began on Monday with urgent calls from leaders to cut greenhouse gas emissions as the planet warms and extreme weather events become more frequent and destructive. Dozens of presidents, along with thousands of diplomats, climate negotiators, business leaders, activists and journalists descended on the Red Sea resort of Sharm El Sheikh to take part in talks and negotiations scheduled to run until November 18. “Climate change will never stop without our intervention,” Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi said, opening the day’s meeting. “Our time here is limited and we must use every second we have.” Joe Middleton November 8, 2022 03:00 1667872800

Arab states taking ‘steps in right direction’ to tackle climate change, says Egyptian president

Arab states taking ‘steps in right direction’ to tackle climate change, says Egyptian president Joe Middleton November 8, 2022 02:00