Mickey is a black and white cat that lived in Top Ten Produce until recently. Unfortunately for him, the rules surrounding cats in grocery stores are also black and white. After Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH) received a complaint, West Point grocer Gray had to say goodbye to the feline. Fortunately, Matthew MacDonald, the store’s manager, had space in his home. However, the staff and their neighbors want Mickey to stay at the store, where he takes on a variety of roles from pest control to mascot and therapy cat. “I try not to watch people when they interact with him because some of the interactions are so deep and people really love him,” MacDonald tells Vancouver Is Awesome. “It makes people feel special.”

Kitty story

Mickey made it to the Top Ten a few years ago after a friend found out they couldn’t give him a good home. “We thought we had a better place for him, a better environment,” says MacDonald. At first he was a little scared, but the store had many corners to hide and he felt more comfortable with people. He also took over the job of the mouse. when Top Ten had a rodent problem a few years ago, Mickey took over. MacDonald says Mickey may have saved the business by dealing with the infestation, and it continues to scare the rodents to this day. “We took him on business, basically,” he says. “He’s had a job and he’s grown into a lot more.” The role Mickey plays is important to the business, MacDonald adds, and “everything else … has just been a blessing.”

The rules

No mandate has been given, but VCH has made an educational visit. “Operating food premises in BC is a regulated activity under the Public Health Act and the operator must not allow live animals on the premises. There are exceptions for service dogs and live fish in an aquarium,” a spokesperson tells VIA of VCH. They note that “the use of live animals is also not a recognized component of a comprehensive pest management program for pest control in food establishments.”

community response

MacDonald hopes a change can be made and there is support in the community. “People can’t find a reason not to [Mickey] it’s pretty much the feel of it,” he says. MacDonald says he is busy running the store and hasn’t had time to campaign to support the cat. But the community has taken it on. There is an online application, social media posts and a physical in-store application. Is MacDonald surprised by the response? “Not really, just because I see how much people love him and how much they love our store. They want us to be here,” he says, noting that without Mickey, the store might not be there. “There are no other stores around here. We play a bit of an important role,” he adds. “[We have] a responsibility towards the neighborhood and is actually part of it.” So far, about 3,000 people have signed the online petition. When discussions resume with VCH, MacDonald says he will ask how to proceed. However, he worries that while other animals in the store fly under the radar, Mickey’s newfound fame may be to his detriment. “I’d like Mickey to stay here, but I’m afraid. I feel like this publicity means he can’t stay here.”