Sega released the announcement yesterday, ahead of Sonic Frontiers’ release today, to let players know how to access the DLC. “DLC content will not be valid if installed after tutorial area,” Sega tweeted. Our spoiler-free review of Sonic Frontiers on PS5. Sega also reminded players to install the latest game patch before installing any DLC. Hi to all! Quick notes ahead of Frontiers release: • If you purchased Digital Deluxe, please install the DLC before starting a new game • DLC content will not be valid if installed after the tutorial area • Make sure you have the latest patch before installing the DLC — Sonic the Hedgehog (@sonic_hedgehog) November 7, 2022 To view this content, please enable targeting cookies. Manage cookie settings The strange conditions will only affect the DLC contained in the digital deluxe edition of the game. It does not affect the free Monster Hunter DLC that will be available from the 14th. Speaking of free, unaffected DLC, we remind you that you can also get the Sonic Adventure 2 shoes by signing up for the Sonic Frontiers newsletter before January 31st, 2023. According to Katie Chrzanowski, social media manager for Sonic on Twitter, the DLC code should arrive within one to two days of registration. If you signed up for the Sonic newsletter to receive the SA2 shoes, you should receive an email with a code for them around 9am. PST tomorrow! You still have until January 31, 2023 to sign up – starting tomorrow you’ll probably be waiting ~24-48 hours to get your code. — Katie – MiniKitty (@KatieChrz) November 8, 2022 To view this content, please enable targeting cookies. Manage cookie settings We found Sonic Frontiers to be a mixed bag in our review, with satisfying combat and solid basics, but not enough polish or commitment to be a fully 3D Sonic game.