The two sides decided to return to mediated talks on Monday after agreeing to end an escalating war that led to a two-day walkout, the historic use of an extension clause and threats of a general strike by many Canadian unions. Schools reopened on Tuesday after CUPE members returned to their posts, backed by Premier Ford’s promise that Bill 28 would be scrapped “in its entirety”.

		Read more: What you need to know as Ontario teachers prepare to return to work 		
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			What you need to know as Ontario teachers prepare to return to work 	  

CUPE, however, warned the government that it has yet to follow through on its bid to withdraw Bill 28 and called on the government to recall the legislature to repeal the unprecedented law. Story continues below ad “We’ve held up our end of the bargain, we’ve got kids in school today,” CUPE’s Laura Walton told Global News. “Something of this magnitude actually requires them to come back, to do it before Memorial Day.” While the Ford government initially promised CUPE that the bill would be repealed “immediately”, the government later moved that date to Monday, November 14, when the legislature resumes after a one-week recess. The Ontario legislature is typically closed during Remembrance Day week to allow MPPs to conduct constituency work in their own ridings. At a press conference on Tuesday, Ford promised to keep his commitment to working with opposition parties. “We are abolishing it [the 14th]. I know all three or four parties are out there looking after their constituents and we all agreed to come back on Monday. Let’s do it. I’m sure the opposition will get through it right away, and so will we,” Ford said. Walton, however, pointed out that CUPE members are currently operating under a 4-year contract imposed on the union by Bill 28 and questioned the point of ongoing negotiations. Current trend

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Story continues below ad “There can be no deal until this law is repealed,” Walton said. Despite the background controversy, Ford indicated he was willing to soften his stance at the bargaining table and offer a contract that offered increased wages for lower-income CUPE employees. “We’re back at the table with an improved offer, particularly for lower-income workers,” Ford said at a news conference Tuesday morning. “Just as we listen to CUPE, we also need CUPE to listen to us.” Due to the confidentiality of the negotiations, Ford did not elaborate on the details of the improved offer to the union. The government had initially offered raises of two percent a year for workers making less than $40,000 and 1.25 percent for everyone else, and the four-year deal imposed by the soon-to-be-repealed law gave 2.5 percent annual increases. raises for workers making less than $43,000 and 1.5 percent raises for everyone else. Story continues below ad CUPE had originally sought annual wage increases of 11.7 percent and said it had tabled a counteroffer that cut its wage proposal in half.

		Read more: CUPE members to go back to school after Ford promises to scrap controversial strike law 		

Ford noted that “as prime minister, I always have to look at the bigger picture” and said the deal with CUPE “will have a huge impact on wider public service pay, especially as we continue to negotiate with teachers”. “These impacts could cost tens of billions of dollars. This is the money we need for schools, health care, transit and infrastructure. It’s money we need for vital services.” If agreement is still not reached, CUPE can issue a new five-day strike notice. — With files from the Canadian Press © 2022 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.