A mother and son were removed as poll workers in Johns Creek, Georgia, minutes before polls opened this morning after social media posts showed them attending the attack on the US Capitol on January 6, 2021. “I stood up for what is right today in Washington DC. This election was a fraud. Mike Pence is a traitor. I was tear gassed FOUR times. I have pepper spray on my throat. I broke into the capitol building. And my kids had the best learning experience of their lives,” read a Facebook post shared with CNN by state election officials. “I know it happened. This is really an internal Fulton County issue. They have to mitigate the risk in the way they see fit given that information,” Gabriel Sterling, chief operating officer of the Georgia Secretary of State’s office, said when asked by CNN’s Erin Burnett on Tuesday. “I think it would have been better if they found out sooner and worked with the people, but because it was so last minute and it came to light so late, I leave it up to Fulton County. But yeah, that happened earlier this morning,” Sterling said. The social media post is under “investigation of concern,” Nadine Williams, Fulton County’s interim director of registration and elections, said at a news conference earlier Tuesday. “We decided to remove them until we could complete the investigation,” Williams said. “We just want to make sure the election is safe,” he added. The social media posts and a comment made during a poll worker event were brought to the attention of the Fulton County Board by a peer. Williams said the secretary of state’s office was consulted on the matter and the state office agreed there was a concern. Williams said she was not at liberty to comment on the nature of the social media post when asked by a reporter, but confirmed it included a threat to election security. “There were some things in there that weren’t allowed. You cannot take videos or photos in the elections. That brought it to our attention,” Williams said.